Xem giỏ hàng “Loa Elac CC 71” đã được thêm vào giỏ hàng.
  • 450 

    Loa Elac BS 72


    Everyone knows that you don‘t need to be big to make your presence felt. The entrylevel BS 72 is the perfect choice for that second system in a study, where lifelike sound is every bit as important.

  • 600 

    Loa Elac BS 73


    The BS 73 base model is an excellent and versatile solution for those who regard music not merely as background entertainment, but as a treasured accompaniment to their everyday lives.


  • 390 

    Loa Elac CC 71


    Introducing a center speaker that understands its central role in a surround-sound setup. Designed to fit neatly under any television set, it never distracts from the on-screen action – except perhaps with its stunningly realistic reproduction of the human voice.


  • 1,200 

    Loa Elac FS 77


    A floor-standing loudspeaker that is both elegant and slender, yet blessed with an extraordinarily rich sound. What more could you possibly want? Perhaps a long evening to explore the depth of its abilities? It’s an experience you won’t regret.


  • Liên hệ

    Loa Elac FS 78

    Liên hệ

    Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Do you really need to know how our technicians manage to extract such a huge sound from a small loudspeaker? Perhaps it‘s the special midrange driver that lends it such emotional impact? For sounds that don‘t just reach your ears, but also touch your soul.